How can I join JCGB email group to receive emails from JCGB?
Please use the Email Subscription box on this screen to join the JCGB email group. Please note that you do not become a member by joining the email group.
How can I get JCGB Newsletter in the post mail?
If you are not a JCGB member please click here to goto our Membership page and become a member - you will start receiving newsletter in mail soon. If you are already a JCGB member please contact Secretary to check/update your mailing address.
How can I change my mailing address?
Please contact Secretary to provide your updated mailing address.
Where is JCGB located? How can I get there?
Click here for address and directions to Jain Center.
When is JCGB Open?
Normally JCGB is open on Sundays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Please see the JCGB Calendar on this page to see other planned events at JCGB when the Jain Center will also be open.
If you wish to visit the Jain Center at other time, please use the security pad on the brick wall next to the entrance door to call a designated person. Upon verification, the door will be remotely unlocked by the person you called.
How can I stay in touch with what's happening at JCGB?
- Register as a JCGB member
- Subscribe to JCGB email group
- Contact any JCGB Executive Committee member
- JCGB web page (
- Come to Jain Center more often!
How can I volunteer in JCGB activities?
Please contact any JCGB Executive Committee member.
How can I sponsor Pooja etc. at JCGB?
Please contact any JCGB Executive Committee member.
How can I become a member of JCGB? How much does it cost me?
Please click here to find out the details. There is no registration or yearly membership fee. However donations are always welcome.
What are benefits of becoming a JCGB member?
- Get newsletter by mail
- Voting rights
- Can contest elections under specific criteria.
- Pathshala membership for yourself and kids.
- Be part of JCGB academic and social projects
- Spread and practice Jainism
Why do I have to renew my membership every two years?
It is required by the JCGB constitution.
How do I know if my membership is expired?
Click here to find out.
13. Where & when is Pathshala held?
Pathshala is held at the Jain Center on the first Sunday of the month.
Click here for the Pathshala schedule.
Click here for direction to the Jain Center.
At what age can I put my child in Pathshala?
As early as 4 years old OR when your child can sit with other young kids without your presence in class and follow teachers instructions. However there is not limit for adults, we have grand-parents coming to Pathshala and still be able to learn new things, so please do come and do yourself a favor.